
‘ROOM 間 FOR FUTURE MEMORIES. scattered’ is a small room 間(Ma) for ‘future memories’. They are noted and imaged by Utako Shindo and her ‘friends’: Agnes Martin, Linda Swanson, Max Baseman, Nick Terry, Yuko Kawakita, Michael Diaz (and more to come and go). Shindo is an artist, working in the poetics of untranslatability. The room welcomes notes and translations in Japanese which is Shindo’s mother tongue. Translation of quotes and friends’ notes is by Michiyo Miyake with Nicholas Marshall (uguisu). The title photo is by Max Baseman. The profile photo is by Masaru Yanagiba. The room is supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture […]

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Democracy and the Square

ニック・テリーさんはニューヨーク出身の実践者で、20年に渡りテキサス州マーファを拠点に活動している。マーファはドナルド・ジャッドがChinati財団を創設したとても小さな街だ。2019年に現地で出会って以来、言葉やイメージ、音を通して対話を重ねている。彼は、パートナーのマリヤンさんと共に日本に所縁があり、そして熱心な禅道者、画家であり、音の探求者である。そんなニックさんとアグネスについて話すようになったのは、実はごく最近のことである。彼がこの「間 room」に最初に寄せてくれたのは、正方形と民主主義の関係を扱った「序文」と作品であった。Nick Terry is a practitioner, originally from New York and has been based in Marfa, Texas, for 20 years. Marfa is a very small town where Donald Judd created the Chinati Foundation. Since our meeting there in 2019, we have exchanged many words, images and sounds. With his personal association with Japan that he shares with his partner, Maryam, Nick is a committed Zen practitioner, a painter and explorer of sound. It was not u […]

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“Shadow Play and the Art of Utako Shindo”

It is an event external to this Room 間 (Ma) but there was a write up by John Yau (a poet and critic) in Hyperallergic, NY. So grateful for his insight, and also for his attention to my friend Agnes; about her various ‘forms’. この「Room 間 (Ma)」の外側での出来事だが、『ハイパーアレジック』に詩人で批評家のジョン・ヤウ氏によるレビューが掲載された。彼の深い洞察と、そしてアグネスの多様な現れの「形」への着目に感謝する。 https://hyperallergic.com/721912/shadow-play-and-the-art-of-utako-shindo/  

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Gate along

Our paths rarely cross physically but she flew from LA to Santa Fe and notified me, already back in Japan, new perspectives on some drawings. 私たちの道はなかなか実際に交差しないけれど、彼女はLAからサンタフェに飛んで、既に帰国していた私に、いくつかのドローイングについて新たな気付きをもたらしてくれた。 Linda: I notice: the little drawing « Gate », wow! It is like a cipher to the whole space or a portal through which I’ve come. Without it the whole exhibition is different, not as transformative spatially and emotionally. And as an image in itself it seems almost impossible that it could be made…like the microscripts of Robert Walser. I also love the diagrammatic drawing in the gallery materials. Each visitor holds in their hand your drawing, rather than some gallery docu […]

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External knots

この「Room 間 (Ma) 」は2021年4月以降の内容が中心だが、その外側には、それ以前に私が芸術家アグネス・マーティンにインスパイアされて展開した学術研究や、制作活動の記録が残っている。ご興味を持たれるかもしない方のために、ここで幾つか紹介させてください。Outside of this ‘Room 間 (Ma)’ , which mainly focuses on the contents since April 2021, there are some ‘knots’ that record my prior academic and creative activities, inspired by the artist, Agnes Martin. Let me introduce some of them for those who may be interested in…. March 2019 – June 2020:https://www.utakoshindo.info/works/2020-santa-fe/ アメリカ合衆国で実施した一年研修(文化庁助成)を振り返るオープンスタジオ(Forde Visser Archive Southewest) 同様の趣旨で行なった美術館での講演(New Mexico Museum of Art) 帰国直後に日本から発表した動画(小山市、小山市車屋美術館) ニュースレター投稿記事(Forde Visser Archive Newsletter June 2020) December […]

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