On friendship

よくよく考えると私にとってのアグネス・マーティンとは、インスピレーションを与えてくれる芸術家であるだけではなく 「友人」であると言えるかもしれない。彼女は2002年に他界しているが、実際に側にいなくても、芸術の名の下に様々な「」で私の手を握ってくれると感じることがある。On reflection, Agnes Martin has been not only the artist who inspires me but my ‘friend’. She passed away in 2002, however, from time to time she could hold my hands through various ‘forms’ in the name of art.

そんな「友人」関係を築くきっかけをくれたのは、私の近年のアメリカ合衆国南西部での活動を可能にしてくれたリンダさんである。そしてその活動を通してもたらされた数々の出会いのお陰で、このRoom 間(Ma)がある。My forming such an ‘friendship’ became possible because of Linda, who enabled my recent activities in the Southwest of U.S.. They brought me some wonderful encounters to which this [間 room] owes.

以下はここ一年程のリンダとのメールのやり取りからの抜粋で、「友人」に関して様々な「」で言及している。Here are excerpts of Linda’s notes from our e-correspondences in the last year, which touch on the idea of ‘friend’ through a various ‘forms’.

Linda (09-23-21):

…and to think that to be “friendly” and “mutual caring” would actually turn out to be of great value and compliment to my work. It makes me very happy that I did not allow myself to be stuck in what I thought so many years ago.


Please say hello to your dear ‘imaginary’ friend Agnes, and also say hello to your furry little Agnes also—unless they are one in the same? When you refer to “imaginary,” does that Agnes take the material form of the small bison? Now I am curious about the relative material manifestations of imagination!

あなたの大切な「空想の」友達、アグネスによろしく。それから、ふわふわの小さなアグネスにも――二人は一心同体なのかもしれないけど? 「空想の」と言うとき、そのアグネスは小さなバイソンという物質的な形をとっているのかしら? 想像力の物質的な現われの相対性について興味をそそられます!


Linda (09-23-21):

And that you have recognized the elements of “translation, authorship, scholarship, friendship and relationship,” even though they are less selected, examined and arranged than usual.


And yes, to remembrance of Rilke and Rodin.Rilke also always makes me think of Paula Modersohn-Becker, one of my most very favorite painters of all time. They were such good friends; she wrote to him sincerely from Paris when she visited and he wrote the requiem after her early death.



Linda (06-22-21):

I was going to to hang your beautiful gift of drawing in my “studio”, but it is very bright with lots of sun, and I didn’t want to overexpose the subtlety. Then I remembered Richard’s work and thought there is much your work and his will say to each other—when I am there loving them, but also when they are alone and just speaking with angle and mark to each other!




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