mi camino con ella / 彼女と歩く道

5.galleryでの個展「the night falls and the day breaks | 日が暮れて 夜が明ける」のために記したステイトメントは、「彼女と歩く道」からはじまる。The statement for my solo show at 5.Gallery this February begins with ‘my path with her’.   mi camino con ella takes my hand in the dark night is the warm shadow of the earthʼs own suffering to transfer life throwing to breathe a line time is descended space is drawn 山“““““海 mountainocean mi camino con ella 彼女と歩く道 暗がりで私の手を取る 夜とは 地球自身の暖かい影 生をうつす苦悩 線をいぶく投擲 時が降りゆく間 空が導かれる間 山“““““海 Mountainocean やま~~~うみ     追記:ステイトメントの「山“““““海」と、アーツカウンシル東京の「ロゴ」との類似に、二重の意味で、有り難さを感じる…。post script: My gratefulness […]

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Gate along

Our paths rarely cross physically but she flew from LA to Santa Fe and notified me, already back in Japan, new perspectives on some drawings. 私たちの道はなかなか実際に交差しないけれど、彼女はLAからサンタフェに飛んで、既に帰国していた私に、いくつかのドローイングについて新たな気付きをもたらしてくれた。 Linda: I notice: the little drawing « Gate », wow! It is like a cipher to the whole space or a portal through which I’ve come. Without it the whole exhibition is different, not as transformative spatially and emotionally. And as an image in itself it seems almost impossible that it could be made…like the microscripts of Robert Walser. I also love the diagrammatic drawing in the gallery materials. Each visitor holds in their hand your drawing, rather than some gallery docu […]

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Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness

暗闇にある作品をより美しい深みに誘うように、それは送られてきた。As thought an invitation to the works in dark for more beautiful depth, they were sent.「日が暮れて 夜が明ける」展への応答に、マイケルがある禅の本の頁を共有してくれたのだ。 In response to my exhibition the night falls and the day breaks, Micheal generously shared some pages from a book on Zen. それはアグネスが残した重要な言葉とも共鳴した。They also resonated with the important utterance Agnes left behind.   Utako: Thank you (Michael) again for sharing some pages from Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness. (マイケルさん)『Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness』の内容をシェアしてくださったことに、あらためて感謝します。 Shunryū Suzuki’s writing that you shared, in fact, shed new light on the darkness that my work might embody – absolute and nothing; […]

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