Drawing 間 Ma

この「Room 間」は当然ながらMaである——そう、あの翻訳不可能な Ma。This ‘Room 間’ is, of course, Ma space-time ——yes, that untranslatable Ma.

友人マイケル・ディアスは彼のスタジオで、そして私は小さなスペースで、それぞれにドローイングをて、同様に翻訳不可能性を見出している。それが我々の語り合いの根底にある。My friend, Michael Diaz draws in a studio, and I draw in a small space, and commonly find the untranslatability in what we do. That is the basis of our dialogue.



The attached are pages that introduced me to the study of Zen about 10 years ago; at that time, as part of a more philosophical investigation rather than a spiritual one. The title of the book, and the way it’s written would indicate that. Yet, the spring is almost here, I feel like sharing it with you!



… And, thanks for Izutsu’s pages.  There are so very many ways to honor, no?  These writings are certainly one approach.  They remind me of your expressed notion of the untranslatable.  And, of course, the spaces in between.  I’ll text you a short piece by Wes Mills which, I think, is a beautiful expression of this understanding.

… それから、井筒〔俊彦〕の本の抜粋もありがとう。ものごとに敬意を払う方法はいろいろあるよね? これらの文章はたしかにひとつのアプローチとなりうる。あなたの言う「翻訳不可能性」の概念を思い起こさせるよ。それから、もちろん「間」のことも。ウェス・ミルズの短い文章を携帯から送ります。おなじ内容を美しく表現した言葉だと思う。

Regarding the images I sent you, those drawings are inchoate. The beginning, the ending the in-between.



[The above vertical drawings: with oil stick (one with pencil) on Strathmore paper, sized in 18″ × 24” ]

[The above horizontal images: with oil stick on Strathmore paper, sized in 24″ × 18”]



This quote is from a little book that Wes hand made many years ago.  It has several drawings from his Montana life close to the Bitterroot River.  And it ends with this note.



ドローイングをめぐるメモ 2001年11月

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